Travelling while pregnant

Travelling while pregnant: necessary documentation and useful advice Pregnant women can happily travel by plane, but some paperwork is necessary and there are some useful practises to follow in order to have a good trip while pregnant.

Pregnant women must have the MEDIF medical information form filled in, signed and stamped by their doctor. This is a clear bill of health form that should be completed not more than 7 days before departure.

The MEDIF is always recommended but it is necessary in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy, for women with complicated pregnancies of for women waiting for twins. It is not recommended that pregnant women travel 7 days before or after giving birth, this is in case of the risk of early birth or other complications.

After the 28th week of pregnancy it is preferable to travel with a companion in the next seat in case assistance is needed.

Throughout the flight it will be necessary to use the safety belt but be careful not to tighten it too much and keep it fastened higher than normal. Wearing compression stockings is recommended in order to help blood circulation.

Finally, pregnant women travelling by air are advised to choose an aisle seat in order to be free to move about, and to drink lots of water avoiding fizzy drinks.